Thursday, March 4, 2010

You Have to Start Somewhere

Hi. I'm Dan. Once upon a time, long ago in a wee city in Central Illinois I was a journalism major. I fancied myself a writer during that time period. I don't think I'm a particularly good writer nor do I delude myself that others will necessarily find me to have talent in this field. Nevertheless I enjoy writing and am hoping this blog spot will help fill the compulsions I have to write, share my opinions publicly and generally rant about the world and its happenings.

I have developed a format of topics that I intend to cover and hope to contribute to my blog on a daily basis Monday - Friday. Yes my friends and dear readers, even an amateur blogger should enjoy a weekend free of any major responsibility. I've laid out the format of topics in this manner:

Monday: We will explore topics involving National news, government and world issues.

Tuesday: You can read about my opinions, for what they are worth, about our local happenings and local government here in Toledo, OH and Lucas County in general.

Wednesday: I will write about one of my passions, sports.

Thursday: I will feature the topic of heroes, those that I admire.

Friday: Will naturally be a general overall topic day where I hope to share tidbits and archival memories of my life.

So please spread the word that my little blog is here and available for your perusal. As I've stated this particular blog will contain my views and opinions and while I encourage positive feedback, I will also read constructive criticisms and likely promptly ignore them.

Share my blog's link with your friends, neighbors, family, co-workers and even those you don't like (I would especially recommend this category as I'm sure most readers will find the reading of this material to be punishment).

Happy Thursday...


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