Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tiger Woods is a Cheetah?

Happy Wednesday friends. As I'm writing this the sun has just peeked out amongst the clouds and the day has suddenly gotten brighter. Life is good.

Anyway I was wondering if you guys have heard about Tiger Woods and his sexcapades? If you haven't you should probably step out of your unabomber shack and join us here in society. I'm not the kind of guy that runs around judging people as moral or immoral, it's just not who I am. I can however throw around some words here and there and wonder "what the hell was he thinking?"

I have not always been a chaste man nor have I always been honest. I have been a bit promiscuous at times in my life, as a matter of fact I spent my early adult years with the single mission of finding women to pounce upon. It took me several years but I finally learned that a lot of this behavior is not healthy for this writer. We live in a society which almost encourages young and single folks to explore the hedonist lifestyle. Check out the website if you need any further proof of this. I'm fairly far removed from the age of a traditional college student and can't speak for their behavior but I'm guessing it hasn't tamed any since my college days.

I'm also not the guy that preaches abstinence to my fellow man. I encourage healthy sexual relationships on the basis that it has many therapeutic values. If you are single and unattached and practice safe (always SAFE!) sex in a healthy environment then have at it my friends. I, however, am not a fan of any behavior that has to be hidden. If you are sleeping with other people unbeknownst of your companion I hardly feel this can ever be healthy. Secrets are rarely those of the healthy nature. If you are sleeping with others at the encouragement of your companion, more power to you. I've not seen this work very successfully in a lot of folks lives but I've read of many swingers who claim this helps their relationship. The swinger lifestyle is not one that I could happily live. I've always tried to maintain the attitude of allowing consenting adults to do as they wish in the privacy of their bedrooms. Healthy sexual relations for this guy does, however include only sleeping with the woman who just so happens to be the love of his life. (I've only eyes for you my Amy dear.)

All of this having been said, I truly think Tiger suffers from "star syndrome." I believe that famous and wealthy folks tend to start to believe that they can do things us mortal folks can't and avoid the consequences that normal people experience. I believe that fame and money brings along a lot of temptations that a spiritually unfit person is incapable of dealing with. I'm sure Tiger thought of his family and loved ones, but I also believe he never thought the consequences would be such as they are.

Now many news reports state that Tiger sought help with his "sex addiction." I happen to be a person that knows a little bit about addictions and I don't know Tiger's story well enough to know if he suffers from one. What I do know is that if he has a true sex addiction then he suffers from something similar to a disease. True sex addicts will be completely incapable of living a normal lifestyle because they are driven to do things that are self destructive in nature. If this is the case with Mr. Woods he will need to experience a "psychic change" somehow, whether that be by a 12 step program or counseling. I've found in my experience true addicts never get better without these types of programs.

I do know that Tiger has paid a pretty stiff price for his actions. (Yes I'm aware that using the word stiff here is a little funny but I couldn't stop myself.) I do hope that Tiger is able to rebound enough to resume his amazing golf career. It is always a pleasure for this writer to observe those who are the best at what they do. I know from experience that he will be scrutinized many times over for a very long time. I believe that a show of humility and him doing the right things over time can heal a lot of the trouble that he has made for himself. I'm hoping he can do what it takes to learn to live a normal way of life. Many addicts are able to recover from their addiction enough that their lives become even more promising than before.

Elsewhere if you are practicing and experiencing your own issues with addiction, be it sexual, gambling or drugs and alcohol, please be aware that there are programs available to help you. You are not hopeless nor are you unique and alone. There are folks who have been where you are right now in your life, that would love nothing more than to share their experiences with you and discuss with you how they have managed to recover. I myself have benefited from one such organization, this one in particular is found very near the front of the phone book. Enough said.

Ironically enough I'd like to wish my fans a very happy hump day...and yes this was intentional as well.

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