Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Reformed?

Happy rainy dreary Monday my dear readers. Your gentle writer has spent much of the weekend on the couch with a viscous spring cold. Yes dear readers I am quite the weakling when it comes to being sick. I tend to just curl up in a ball and whimper myself to sleep. My goal is always to sleep until I feel better, no matter how many days that takes. I did get to watch a lot of basketball however and man there was some great games. Alas it is time to spit out another blog so here we go.

It has been a long time since I remember congress voting on a bill that got so much attention. It seems that everyone has an opinion on whether or not this is good for Americans. Now this writer has perused dozens of websites about the Health Care Reform Bill that did indeed get passed and I have been unable to find anywhere that I can actually read the bill. I have noticed due to my shrewd and keen abilities of being sensitive to such things (I'm a Virgo and astrology claims I have this ability) that this bill seems to be fairly partisan. Conservatives and Republicans tend to think this particular bill is going to be the death of America as we know it and Liberals and Democrats seem to be of the opinion that this Bill will fix all that ails our great country. I visited many websites and all of them tended to be slanted towards one of these directions.

As I previously stated, I have not had the luxury of actually reading the bill that was voted upon. I can not really make a valid decision on it until such time as I have laid my eyes upon this controversial parchment. I don't really "fit" into the Republican camp and although I identify more with the Democrat platform I don't always feel as if I "fit" there either. I like to think of myself as conservatively liberal. This is my blog and I can make up any lingo I want! All the disclaimers aside this is my uninformed take on Health Care Reform.

I have read things that appear to be good and things that I don't particularly care for about this bill. Having been without medical coverage at times in my life I am optimistic that more Americans will have access to medical benefits. A lot of what I have read sounds good in theory. I however have a deep distrust for our Federal Government and in my experience the average American can not trust that they are acting on our behalf. I'm not saying that I believe the conservative talking heads and all the "facts" they spout out but I am saying I find it difficult to trust that our government has my best interests at heart. I also wonder if my friends who are so passionately for or against this bill have actually seen it or if they are just once again aligning themselves with their favorite media personality. I also am wary of how unbiased our media can be.

When I get my annual Social Security Disability report in the mail that says I've already earned the maximum potential highest pay out if I were to become disabled today, it also says that Social Security is going broke. First if I've already paid enough money into it to get the maximum benefit, why do I still pay social security taxes? Secondly this leads me to believe we should do something about fixing social security. I challenge you dear readers to find me one highly successful enterprise ran by our federal government. The Post Office is privately ran and is a travesty. The Veterans Administration leaves a lot to be desired according to my veteran friends. The huge financial bail outs the government has already given appear to not have worked effectively. We are still fighting two wars in the Middle East that no one really knows why we are fighting. My point is that congress does not have a good track record in proving their ability to do anything effectively. I could go into a long lecture here about my dislike of career politicians but for the sake of time I will spare you dear readers. Suffice it to say I am a fan of term limits.

As with every thing else in life I suppose time will tell if this was a good piece of legislation. If it is then many Americans will have the opportunity to live healthier lives. If it is not then we the American people will be once again left to pick up the ruble and send more money to Washington to fix their mistakes. Remember readers we live in a country with great freedom. We have the ability to choose who does our bidding in Washington. Please do not take this freedom lightly. I have the phone numbers and emails of my elected representatives and am not afraid to use them should I find it necessary to inform them of my opinion. You should feel free to do the same.


  1. Great Blog posting today, Dan! :)

  2. I rarely point out people's spelling errors, but this one brought a smile today. You made a word-play, and didn't even know it. It sounds like you had a "vicious" (cruel and nasty) cold, but made it a "viscous" (thick, sticky, gravy-like) cold - which is also probably pretty true. I have had several colds that were "vicious" because they were "viscous"...Anyway, it made me smile...

    Not since the Vietnam war have have I seen so much hateful vituperation spilled on one topic as I have on health-care reform. I have one friend (who, on this topic, is working his way toward "former friend") who is completely insane, in my view. In his view, if someone can't afford health insurance, they should get a better job and get it - otherwise, just go ahead and die and stop burdening "us" (those people who already HAVE insurance) with dead-weight ballast. In his view, this is pure "socialism" and we should just go ahead and take Washington off the $1 bill and put Stalin's face on there, because he's who we're emulating anyway.

    I'm sorry, but this is the kind of sweeping generalization that irks a lot of us folk. If a person favors government health-care, they either are one of the millions of people who don't have health care, or know or love someone who IS. I am convinced that one's loathing of the health insurance is only dependent on (a) if the loath-er already HAS health insurance or (b) if they don't know anyone who is affected by the issue.

    Having said all that, I'm probably going to avoid the topic like a hot flame, because I'm completely burnt out on it. If I need that kind of irritation in my life, I'll listen to Fox News. Or hit myself in the head with a nice firm pine board.

  3. Steve, typographical errors are a major pet-peeve of mine. Normally when one is pointed out I immediately correct it. However the one you pointed out today is pretty funny and I have decided to leave it as is. I only wish I could have been humorous enough to intentionally written that way. Above all else thank you so much for not only taking the time to read my blogs but to also take the time to post a small note after many of them. You truly are one of life's good guys.

    Thanks to you also Erin for being such a loyal reader!

  4. And even in my comments to your comment I find a should read intentionally written "IT" that way...ah heck. The title to my blog "Delusions of Grandeur" fits me well. I am after all a man who simply enjoys writing. I never really was that good at writing formal papers in college.
