Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring is Near

Happy Friday loyal and faithful readers! If you are reading this you know that it is only my second post here and by default if you read my last post this makes you a loyal and faithful follower of my blog. Here in my blog it is my world and I'm allowed to make up the rules as I go along. It is technically Friday here in Eastern Standard Time and by blogging now at 1:30 AM I can relax the rest of the weekend and enjoy my most favorite of hobbies, nothing. You see friends doing nothing is quite an art. There are those who think they are good at it but I like to think there are those of us more talented than normal folk and this elite group takes nothing to a whole new level. I must admit I'm nearing entry into that aforementioned elite group. As one of my ex-wives once remarked, "nobody does nothing better than you."

Enough of that balderdash and rambling. Have hope amigos (see I can say friend in two languages). Spring is nearing the horizon. While this may seem a trivial event with our brothers in the southern most portions of our fine Nation, this is quite a welcome season to those of the midwest. Winters can be quite long, brutal and bone-shredding cold here in Northwest Ohio. I myself must admit that I am no fan of Old Man Winter. Once upon a time as a wee lad I enjoyed Old Man Winter's occasional burst of snowfall especially the ones large enough to warrant school closings. In those long ago days as a young lad I enjoyed romping around in the white powder, building snowmen, making snow-angels, having snow ball wars and sledding. I loved the snow and enjoyed quite the friendship with Mr. Winter. Alas those days are long gone and I'm now a thirty something overweight Dad with creaky knees and a bitter disposition.

At my age one tends to develop quite the hatred for the Old Man. Alas hope is nigh! (Who the hell uses words like "alas" and "nigh" in the same sentence?) It is the early days of March and 40 degree temperatures and sunshine have restored hope and optimism in our region. Long gray dreary Winter days be damned. Spring is on its way. Spring is on its way. Spring training is in its beginning stages. NCAA basketball is nearing it's conference championships and March Madness. The NBA is still muddling through it's 11 month season with no one paying it any attention. (Don't try to convince me anyone watches NBA basketball until the playoffs, I won't believe you.) The NFL draft draws ever more closer day by day. Yes dear reader despite the higher temperatures and sunny days this writer follows seasonal changes by what major sports events are happening.

I find it difficult to be in a sour mood when the weather is just nice enough to crack a window. You know those days where you think its warm enough to just wear a hooded sweatshirt and find out 10 minutes after you leave your house its still a bit nippy for that. Everywhere you travel folks tend to be smiling, trading howdy-dos and generally enjoying eternal optimism. Even here in Toledo, one of the most economically depressed areas of the Country folks are managing a smile here and there. Well everyone except for those poor damaged souls who shop at the evil empire Wal-Mart. Have you ever shopped there? I don't recommend it. I'm almost certain you lose a little piece of your soul every time you cross the threshold and are greeted by those centurian buggy grabbers. However I'm certain folks at other fine and more democratic establishments are enjoying the optimism that pre-spring brings.

So dear readers raise up your face to the near warmth of the sun's rays. Enjoy the joy (can you really say enjoy the joy?) and hope that spring brings to the table. If you are a Cubs fan tell yourself that it's a new year and this could be the one you win it all. If you are a Cubs fan tell yourself this NOW. All hope will be destroyed around the beginning of May when you realize this is just another year of watching the Cardinals pull away. (Ditto for Cleveland Indians fans) Old Man Winter is steadily packing his bags and stowing away for several months. Enjoy this while you can. By the way I thought Old Man Winter was soon to retire, what with global warming and all. Maybe Al Gore should have used his invention the internet and sent him an email?

Ok enough rambling for today. I'm sure I've already written enough to confuse the masses. Those that have managed to follow along are more than likely pissed enough to never return. Happy Weekend friends...Remember, Don't do anything I wouldn't do or half the things I would...

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