Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Home is What You Make It.

Good evening blog readers. I hope you have enjoyed a reasonably good Tuesday thus far. Hopefully if your from the Midwest you have enjoyed the sunny day and near 60 degree temperatures. I spent some time doing some chores around the house with the windows wide open. Definitely a large fan of the spring like weather. I did have a chance to break out the shorts for the first time yesterday. I do however have a stiff and sore neck. I very much dislike waking up after having slept awkwardly or whatever it is that causes my neck to be sore for two whole days. I did talk Amy in to massaging it for a while last night and that helped some.

Anyway off we go on today's blogging journey. It is a short trip as a matter of fact you might already be there. Let's spend some time talking about home today shall we?

Now I have lived in five different states. I have lived in large cities (Nashville), medium cities (Toledo), small towns (Mattoon, IL Bellefontaine, OH) and I've lived in the country. One of the major lessons I have learned in life is that home is what you make it. Almost everywhere I've ever lived I have observed many folks lament about their desire to live somewhere else. It's almost a large scale "grass is greener elsewhere" syndrome I believe most localities experience. I felt much like this while growing up in Mattoon, IL. I think a large part of my high school class experienced the desire to move elsewhere at some point during their high school career. I certainly felt that way and I actually did eventually move away and around the Midwest frequently.

First of all having a desire to relocate because you envision life to be better "over there" is ludicrous. (No not the rapper the word) My experience has taught me that the same issues and problems I face where I currently live will eventually follow me no matter where I go. You hear this all the time...Where ever you go you always take you with you. I know this sounds simple but I know many many people who have tried the geographical cure for many of their life's ailments. Moving to Florida or California or Hawaii for that matter will not fix you or your flaws as a person.

Secondly many of the same issues or problems you see in the community you currently live in are the same issues and problems that exist where ever it is you want to relocate. I suppose there are many good reasons to move around the country. Finding a new or better job somewhere else is a good reason. Moving to be closer to loved ones or family is often a positive thing. If you are convinced that moving in general would make your life better I would never attempt to talk one out of this. I do however think I have some valid points to make that should make one stop and reconsider.

I currently reside in the beautiful, tropical City of Toledo, OH. I use the word tropical sarcastically but Toledo does have a lot of beauty. Toledo has a population of 313,619 according to wikipedia. Now I must confess that Toledo has its share of problems and is facing a great deal of critical issues. Our unemployment rates are among the highest in the nation. Our City Council is facing a budget deficit of nearly 50 million dollars. Our public school system is facing nearly 30 million dollars in budget shortfalls. Both the City finances and the public school systems have been severely mismanaged over the years and many of the financial pitfalls are self made. We have the usual crime issues that cities of our size have. There are gangs and juvenile delinquent issues. Toledo has more than it's share of drug peddlers and overall petty criminals. Our police department is probably understaffed and our city officials often seem detached and unable to empathize with their constituents.

Toledo possess many wonderful parts that make it whole. There are many entertainment venues for adults and families. Our Fifth Third Field, Home of the World Famous Mud Hens, has been voted as one of the best minor league ballparks in the Nation. The new Lucas County Arena is spectacular for a city this size. I've been there twice and have been very impressed. It is home of the minor league hockey team the Walleye. Our Toledo Zoo is award winning and a beautiful place for families to visit year around. Let's not forget the Imagination Station, a science museum for children, our beautiful metro-parks and fabulous city parks or the Docks downtown on the river. There is the Willis B. Boyer museum ship, Tony Packo's restaurant and award winning libraries. The LPGA tour has a tournament in Sylvania each year hosted by Jamie Farr (our most famous Toledoan, right up there with Danny Thomas the founder of St. Jude's Children's Hospitals.) Yet all of these things pale next to the heart and soul Toledoans exhibit.

Despite economically tough times Toledo is amongst one of the most giving and charitable areas in all of America. The many benefits and non-profit charities that are around are proof of this. When the show Extreme Home Makeover rebuilt the Frisch family home there was an outpouring of support from Toledoans. When the disaster in Haiti occurred Toledoans activated quickly and sent hundreds of thousands of dollars of supplies and cash and a team of medical professionals to the earthquake ravaged country. Yes life in Toledo can be difficult and often harsh, with cold snowy winters and unemployment difficulties. But my friends Toledo is a fine, fine place to live.

A lot of my happiness and your happiness my friends is based on our attitudes and optimism or lack thereof. How many happy pessimists have you known? Trust me when I say pessimist are unhappy in Honolulu as well as Toledo. So lace up your boots, paste a smile on your face and follow me as I choose to see the beauty of the town I call home.

Many smiles and love to my supporters...good day.

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