Friday, July 1, 2011


Happy July my friends. July 1st for me is always the day when I wake up and say "where did June go?" It's a day to remember that it's Summer and a month of it has already slipped away. It's also a time for build up to my favorite holiday of the year; Indapendance Day. I'm some what of a history buff, which probably explains why I enjoy this particular day so much. Speaking of history, I don't care how you try to defend it, Sarah Palin made a large snafu with the whole Paul Revere thing. I don't think she is that "special" to not know the facts I think she just misspoke. You think Mrs. Palin believes Mr. Obama is an American citizen yet?

Moving right along now. I love the Declaration of Independence. I love the story of John Hancock and his rather large signature. General Washington and Valley Forge and stories of the continental congress stimulate me. I love American History. I was raised in a family that believed in taking your hat off when the flag went by and putting that hat over your heart when the National Anthem is sang. I grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning in school and I didn't feel it violated my rights at all. I often still get goose bumps and a hint of tears in my eyes when America the Beautiful is played. I've karaoked (not well) Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the U.S.A. Johnny Cash singing "Ragged Old Flag" is currently a selection on my MP3 player. I even once got into a physical altercation in Canada (and was briefly detained by the authorities) after over hearing a Canadian speak badly about the United States. I was ready to fight the entire country of Canada that night and frankly I liked my chances.

Yes my friends I'm damn proud to be an American. I believe we reside in the greatest nation on this planet. I am convinced we have the baddest military in the World. I'm not always pleased with the direction our political leaders are heading but I am truly grateful to live in a country where I have the freedom to openly criticize them. I believe Rick Monday is a genuine American Hero for protecting our flag from being burnt. (If you don't know who Rick Monday is Google him now. Seriously stop reading and Google him.) I fully concur with him when he said if you're going to burn our country's flag don't do it around me. The Supreme Court may have protected flag burners under freedom of speech but I'm not always that open minded.

I also believe that our American Servicemen and Women are heroes. Kids if you're going to idolize anyone let it be our Father's and Uncles and Grandfathers (and in many cased Mothers) who have served on foreign land witnessing acts of violence and depravity that you and I will never have to imagine. Men and women have given the most precious things they had to defend our freedom. These men and women gave their very last breath. Yes my friends the 4th of July is a very special day for me.

A little over 5 years ago it started to become even more special for a different reason. Just a month over 5 years ago I was freed from the bondage of alcoholism. The disease of alcoholism had led me to the gates of a literal living hell. Many folks in society had written me and my kind off as unsalvagable. I lived a hopeless and helpless existance, one I wouldn't wish on anyone (even Canadians.) When I finally reached the place in life where I firmly beleived suicide to be my only viable option a group of sober folks entered my life and showed me a better way to live. They taught me that a group of 12 principles could free me from the bondage of alcohol. Over the years I've watched folks literally die from the disease of addiction and I believe them doing so has allowed me to live a free life. I get goose bumps and teary eyed thinking back to the early days of my recovery and remembering how awesome it was to once again have a glimmer of hope in my life.

These sober folks took me by the hand and literally helped walk me to freedom. They provided me the freedom to live and smile and laugh again. They provided me the freedom to live indoors with a roof and a bed and blankets and food. They helped grant me the freedom to learn to be a Dad and to learn to hold a job and to pay my bills and be productive in society. I honestly believe I can never do enough to repay this group of sober people for the blessed life they've taught me to live. Since that day, a little over 5 years ago, Independence Day has taken on a new and very special meaning for me. Let freedom ring my friends let freedom ring!

It's also important for me to note that if you or someone you know is seeking this same freedom from alcohol, there is help available. I'm not speaking of American Airlines but the help you are looking for is just ahead of them in a phone book. God Bless the U.S. of A.

“Free at last; free at last; thank God Almighty we are free at last.” Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights leader.

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