Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lost ?

He reached up and grabbed the brim of his ball cap, pulling the hat down a little more snugly on his head. Rain drops steadily dripped off the edge of the brim. He had been trudging for several hours in the steady and persistent rain. The evening had slowly drifted into the black darkness of night. He hunched his shoulders briefly against the chill of the raindrops on the back of his neck. His gait had slowed, yet he stubbornly pushed forward.

He had started his journey with a fair idea of where his destination lie. He knew the trek wouldn't be one of ease but was convinced it was worth the effort. The rain was steady. His clothing had long ago gave way and had become soaked through. He was just this side of uncomfortable in the night's chill. Yet he stubbornly pushed forward.

As hour after hour drifted by he became a little less certain of his destination. He knew he had started in the right direction on this journey. He doggedly clung to the hope that he was still on the right path. The darkness and the damned pesky, steady rain had a disorienting effect at times. Yet he stubbornly pushed forward.

His shoulders started to ache with the strain of being hunched against the rain on the back of his neck. He tugged the brim of his soggy ball cap down even tighter on his head. His hands jammed deep into the pockets of his soaked through jeans, he stubbornly pushed forward.

He thought of stopping and sitting and resting for a while. His feet were tired. He tried to mentally summon the rosy warmth of sitting before a fire, but the cold, steady rain wouldn't allow it. Left foot, right foot, each plodding step adding to the tiredness of his feet. His feet were cold and wet. Yet he stubbornly pushed forward.

Was he still walking in the right direction? He wasn't so certain anymore. Surely he was. He doggedly clung to the hope he was moving in the right direction. The raindrops steadily dripped from the brim of his cap. He wished he had a shred of dry clothing with which to wipe his face. Yet he stubbornly pushed forward.

He thought of stopping and sitting and resting for a while. He was so tired. He knew this trek was not going to be one of ease. He had lost the certainty that the effort was worth it. He desperately wished the rain would let up. His feet hurt. His lower back ached. His shoulders were stiff from hunching against the cold rain on the back of his neck. He tugged the brim of his hat down lower and continued to push forward. Surely his destination was near.

Just a short story that's been going through my mind lately. I sometimes go through periods of life were I relate to the man in this story, trudging and all the while becoming less and less certain I'm heading in the right direction in life. Sometimes I feel like I'm muddling around in the dark. Yet I continue to push forward, hoping it's in the right direction.

Hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday friends.

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