Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post Ground Hog Day Blues

Wow I haven't blogged in a long time. Life has gotten pretty busy with a lot of different things lately. New job, new friends, old friends and the like have managed to keep life moving in the fast lane. I got engaged. My fiancee and I had a baby. I got banned from Facebook for having a fake name. Lots of exciting things. I started a twitter account. You can find me there @porkchopdenton. I went to Twitter because I was banned from Facebook. Apparently it's a grave sin and a serious security risk to have your nickname as your middle name on Facebook. Apparently that is punishable by automatically disabling your account. Ah...such is life....and it is a good one. I reckon I will attempt to figure this tweeting stuff out and maybe visit "ye olde blog" a few more times in the downtime. Happy Ground Hog's Day friends.


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