Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Good morning friends, noblemen and baseball fanatics alike. I come to ye all with a very heavy heart this afternoon. The news from the Cardinals Spring Training camp about negotians coming to an end with the "iconic" Albert Pujols is nothing short of heart-wrenching.

First, before people holler and yell at me for getting my facts wrong, I UNDERSTAND THAT ALBERT CAN AND MAY STILL EXTEND HIS CONTRACT WITH THE CARDINALS AT THE END OF THE SEASON! He may very well have every intention of doing so. Dear readers I'm a die-hard Cardinals fan. This fact was established the night my Mother had to rock me to sleep, whilst I lay in bed sobbing and heartbroken at the age of 9. The Twins had just beaten the Cardinals in the 1987 World Series. I have hated the evil Minnesota Twins since that god-forsaken day. As an avid reader my book shelves are filled, yeah even littered, with bits and pieces of Cardinals literature. The Spirit of St. Louis being my favorite Cardinals book, followed closely by Three Nights in August. Yeah I even once told a former spouse that I did indeed love the St. Louis Cardinals more than I loved her. I don't recommend doing that dear readers, but in all fairness I had loved the Cardinals much longer than I had even known her. The Cardinals were much more faithful too dear friends.

Albert, Albert Albert! He is no longer a legendary hero in my book. His image is forever tarnished. Remember Mark McGwire? He is forever beloved in St. Louis because he took less than market value to remain in St. Louis. Albert? He says he loves money more than he loves the Cardinals dear friends. Write this down....Cardinals fans will overwhelmingly and vociferously let Mr. Pujols know how they feel about him this Summer. I don't think he will be booed but fans will let him know. After all we are the best baseball fans in the world friends. Our love of baseball is legendary my fellow fans. St. Louis is the best baseball city in the world and we love and adore our heroes like no one else. Ozzie Smith? My all time hero in life and the greatest shortstop that ever lived. He could easily be Mayor of St. Louis or Govenor of Missouri should he choose to go those routes. Whitey Herzog, Bob Gibson, Stan Musial? Heroes that my fellow fans and I speak of in reverent tones. Tom Lawless, Tom Pagnozzi and Terry Pendleton? I love those guys.

I've got to find a way to get to the point somewhere in here. In the words of the late great Hunter S. Thompson (I'm currently reading his book "The Kingdom of Fear") "How long O Lord, How Long!" This ain't the Cavaliers of Cleveland Albert and this ain't the NBA. Your dealing with Major league Baseball, America's Pastime, and the St. Louis Cardinals the greatest team in America's greatest sport.

Mr. Pujols....forget the pressure of the Players association. Put aside and ideas that as the best player in today's game you should set records for financial reimbursment. Sign a damn deal and allow Cardinal Nation to continue our long running love affair. Sign the damn deal and go hug Matt Holliday for being willing to give up a million or two to keep you in St. Louis.

I have a 6 year old son. Spenser is blossoming into quite the little Cardinals fan. Last summer as we played baseball in the backyard and practiced for his season in coach pitch baseball, he and I debated whether he was a better hitter than Albert. He decided that at the very least he was much better at 5 than Albert. Possibly but probably not. I assure you this my friends...that little boy has more love for the game embedded deep in his heart than Albert will ever know. Sign the deal Albert. Your hero status in the next generation of Cardinals fans depend on it. You could be my son's "Ozzie Smith."

I gotta end this damn blog. I'm lost in a well of self-pity and morass. Tears have forever stained my keyboard. My dogs are looking at me funny. Long live the Redbirds of St. Loo, God's favorite baseball team.

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