Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Dollar and a Drink

This is a poem I wrote a while ago. I don't know if it's finished. It's just some mindless babble that spilled out on paper. Read it at your own risk.

A Dollar and a Drink

I knew I should give my soul to Jesus.
So I went to church to find the preacherman.
He said "boy your appearance don't please us"
Your dirty unshaven and don't look like a christian man.
I said tell me how to give my soul to God.
Won't you tell me how to be free?
He looked to the door and pointed with a nod
We've no time for your type son we're busy you see.

I stumbled down the street thirstily.
Past the liquor store and tattoo parlor.
Wondering why God's people acted so unjustly.
Wondering where I could find a dollar.

I got a dollar and got a drink.
Numbed up, dumbed up and discontented.
It was hard, hard to think.
Desperately troubled and discontented.

I walked in an alley and saw the devil.
I says hey devil here's my soul how much will you give me.
He said hey I'll give it to you on the level.
Your dirty and drunk and homeless, not much value I see.
Take my soul I pleaded surely you've something to give.
He laughed. Said I don't want you.
You've no will to even live.
I'll give a dollar to be rid of you.

I got a dollar and a drink.
number still than before.
God don't want me I don't think.
I sat in front of the liquor store.

The law came and took me away.
They put me in a dirty cage.
I stayed there and slept all day.
I woke up in a dirty cage.

I said hey devil I thought you didn't want me.
He didn't say nothing back.
I yelled come back and fight me.
The law came back.

They put me in a hospital with the doors locked down tight.
They said I was crazy.
I said I need a drink all right.
I need a drink like crazy.

They asked if I wanted to speak to the preacherman.
I laughed and said hell no.
I don't want to talk to the preacher man.
He already told me to go.

If the devil doesn't want me why am I in hell?
He gave me a dollar once for a drink.
When I would drink again I couldn't tell.
It was hard, hard to think.

I stumbled down the dirty street.
Walking to the liquor store.
I had a friend there to meet.
A steady friend for sure.

I bought another drink and drank with my friend.
He kept me calm and warm at night.
I found someone to take my soul in the end.
Me and my drink all right.

My drink in my hand was all I needed.
Take me with you tonight I said.
Take my soul with you I pleaded.
I stopped and laid down my head.

When I wake up again tomorrow I think.
I'll find another dollar.
I'll go get another drink.
Down at the liquor store past the tattoo parlor.